Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops: What’s the Difference?

[su_heading size=”25″]Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops: What’s the Difference?[/su_heading]

If you’re in the market for a new laptop, it may be tempting to buy a gaming laptop because they look awesome and have lots of cool features like high-resolution display screens, mechanical keyboards, and RGB backlights. But is it worth dropping thousands of dollars on one? Here are the pros and cons of gaming laptops compared to normal laptops so you can make an informed decision before buying one.

[su_heading size=”25″]What Is A Gaming Laptop?[/su_heading]

Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops
                        Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops

Gaming laptops are similar to normal laptops in many ways. They both allow you to browse the internet, email, and video chat with friends and family. But gaming laptops differ from regular notebooks in a few key ways. For one thing, they’re better suited for handling high-intensity games that require quick reaction times, like Fortnite or Call of Duty. These machines typically come loaded with powerful hardware that includes strong CPUs and GPUs, as well as plenty of memory (RAM). Gaming laptops also tend to feature more colorful designs than other types of notebooks, but at times come at a higher price point (due to all those extra bells and whistles). This is a Part of Tech News

[su_heading size=”25″]Special Features of a Gaming Laptop[/su_heading]

For maximum performance, choose a gaming laptop with specs that can run PC games at 1920×1080 resolution. Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060/1070 or AMD Radeon RX 460/RX 470 graphics card. Core i7-6700HQ processor or better. 16GB of RAM or more. 256GB SSD (Solid State Drive) plus 2TB hard drive for extra storage.

[su_heading size=”25″] Difference between Gaming Laptop and Normal Laptop[/su_heading]

Gaming laptops are made for performance. If you want to play your games on a machine that performs exceptionally, a gaming laptop is right for you. A gaming laptop is more expensive than a normal laptop, but if you’re someone who doesn’t mind shelling out extra cash in exchange for high-end performance, then a gaming laptop is something worth investing in. Gaming laptops come with powerful graphics cards, plenty of memory and storage space, and cutting-edge processors, which makes them better equipped to handle high-resolution games and big-budget action films than their counterparts. These laptops also tend to have higher refresh rates as well as more display options. But what exactly makes up a gaming laptop? How does it differ from normal laptops?

[su_heading size=”25″]Graphics Card or GPU[/su_heading]

Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops
       Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops

Every game requires a different level of graphical processing power. In most cases, your laptop’s integrated graphics will be good enough to run any game or perform basic tasks that don’t require intense rendering or virtual reality. However, if you want to play games that are more graphically demanding, like Fortnite Battle Royale and Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), it’s important to get a dedicated graphics card. Besides increasing gaming performance, dedicated GPUs are also great for video editing and other graphic-intensive work such as 3D modeling or VR design. If you want an even greater boost in visual fidelity, grab yourself a new pair of glasses—no joke!

[su_heading size=”25″]RAM[/su_heading]

Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops
       Gaming Laptops VS Normal Laptops

Gaming laptops usually come with more RAM than their non-gaming counterparts. How much RAM a gaming laptop has isn’t indicative of how well it will play games; rather, it shows you how much multitasking you can get done. 8GB of RAM is standard for most gaming laptops, and a majority of them will allow you to upgrade to 16GB or 32GB. The amount and speed of your SSD (solid-state drive) will also affect gaming performance, but remember that if you go with a slow hard drive as opposed to an SSD, your laptop will be noticeably slower when loading games or opening large files.

[su_heading size=”25″]Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Normal Laptop Instead Of A Gaming One[/su_heading]

Gaming laptops tend to be more expensive than their counterparts. However, when it comes to performance, gaming laptops have got you covered. The processors that these machines come with are faster than their normal counterparts and can keep up with today’s games without any major hiccups. The graphics card is what sets these computers apart from regular ones. If you’re looking for a good-looking computer, buy a normal laptop. But if your main concern is performance then you should go for a gaming laptop!

[su_heading size=”25″]Internal Cooling[/su_heading]

While gaming laptops come with more powerful hardware components, they also tend to run hot. When you’re playing graphic-intensive games on your laptop, it can cause overheating. The internal fans then kick in, causing your laptop to become warmer and louder than usual. While cooling pads do exist for laptops, it’s a good idea to check reviews and make sure that you choose one that can adequately cool your laptop without making it any noisier than it has to be. Gamers know how distracting—and even painful—overheating can be while they’re in the middle of an intense gaming session.

[su_heading size=”25″]Illumination[/su_heading]

Both gaming laptops and normal laptops have LED backlights. LED lights up faster, uses less power, and is more durable than other types of light sources, like CCFLs (cold cathode fluorescent lamps). Depending on which you choose, LEDs can also display brighter colors and images with better contrast. This means that both gamers and non-gamers alike will get a crisper picture when they’re using their devices. Laptop Official

[su_heading size=”25″]Conclusion[/su_heading]

When it comes to gaming laptops and normal laptops, there’s always a constant need for having a beast of a laptop that can go through games like butter. And while we all wish such devices existed, they really don’t. Instead, you have to go with either option and make your choice accordingly. If you have no problem with not getting high-end games at 1080p and instead of playing them at 720p or even lower than that, then get yourself a normal laptop. But if you want your game on at all times and be able to play it smoothly regardless of what settings you’re running at, then consider getting yourself a gaming laptop because these can guarantee performance regardless of how many things are running in your background at any given time.

All content credit goes to Techie Aladdin

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